Ko Un
Magazines, Journals & Books
Korean Culture vol. 17, No. 4 (Winter 1996), LA, USA, ‘Ko Un: A Poet for All Seasons’ by Clare You, pp. 20-25
Neue Sirene : Zeitschrift Fur Literatur 3, (May 1995), Munchen, Germany, ‘Mit dem Atem Geschrieben-Zu den Gedichten von Ko Un’ by Chei Woon-Jung, pp. 89-91
Hefte Fur Ostasiatische Literatur No. 19 (November 1995), Munchen, Germany, ‘Ko Un?Zu person und werk’ by W. J. Chei, pp. 106-107
Hefte fur Ostasiatische Literatur, Nr. 21 (November, 1996), A Review of Die Sterne űber dem Land der Vater by Marion Eggert, pp. 110-111
Primary Point, Vol. 16, No. 2 (summer 1998), book review of Beyond Self.
PO&SIE, No. 88, (Editions Belin, 1999), Paris, France, ‘Ko Un’ by No Misug & Alain Genetiot, pp. 40-41
Público, (1997. 12. 1), ‘Dos paises con espiritus hermanos’ by Patricia Landino, p. 11
Korean Culture, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Spring 1999), LA, USA, ‘On Korean Poetry and Ko Un’ by Robert Hass, pp. 10-13
Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Fall 2000), ‘Zen Poetry and Realism: Reflections on Ko Un’s Verse’ by Paik Nak-Chung, pp. 559-578
El Cielo de Salamanca : revista cultural euroamericana No. 4 (2002), Salamanca, Spain, ‘Breve Nota Sobre El Poeta’, pp. 117-118
americas review, No. 12 (2002), Berkeley, CA, ‘A Note on Ko Un’, pp. 23-24
The London Magazine, (June/July 2003), London, UK, ‘Poet of Korea’s Pains and Hopes’ by Brother Anthony at Taize, pp. 92-100
Du symbolism au realisme: de Rimbeau a Ko Un, No. 9, (July 2003), 3 articles on Ko Un’s poetry by Alain Genetio, Michel Deguy and Paik Nak-Chung, pp. 105-130
New American Writing 22 (2004), ‘CA, USA, A Note on Ko Un’ by Gary Gach. pp. 162
Minerva, No. 88 (March 2004), Madrid, Spain, ‘La tradicion oriental en la poesia de Ko Un’, p. 4
Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Quarterly (Fall 2005), Toronto, Canada, p. 71
The New York Review of Books, Vol. 52, No. 17 (November 3, 2005), New York, USA, ‘Poet of Wonders’ by Robert Hass, pp. 59-61
Vincenza D’Urso’s article on Ko Un in Semicerchio, Rivista di poesia comparata XXXII-XXXIII (2005), pp. 98-104
Kana: Poetry & Criticism, 12 (2006. 9. 11), Tokyo, Japan, ‘The Well of Universe Dialect’ by Takahra Beng, pp. 41-43
The Nation, Vol. 283, No. 8 (2006. 9. 18), New York, USA, ‘Writers from the Other Asia’ by John Feefer, pp. 31-35
Buddhadharma: the Practitioner’s Quarterly, (Fall 2006), Toronto, Canada, ‘Pointing Beyond Words’ by Gary Gach, pp. 62-63
Mythic Pop--The 'New Age' Magazine, 2007, book review of 'Flowers of a Moment'
ABC,es (2007.2.17), Madrid, Spain, ‘Ko Un: El arco iris es poesia, tambien la tormenta’
The Journal of Studies on Asia, (Michigan State University, 2007), ‘Ko Un’s Activism, Buddhism and Cosmopolitanism in his poetry’ by Park Byung Kook,
Key Point, No. 181, (2007. 3), Tokyo, Japan, ‘The Importance of Ko Un Issue’ by Suzii Takashi, pp. 8-9
Minerva, (2007. 5), Madrid, Spain, ‘escribe sobre’, pp. 79-84
Modern Poetry Notebook, No. 8 (August 2007), Tokyo, Japan, ‘Reading Ko Un’ by Nomura Kiwahu, pp. 98-101
Brutus, 626 (2007. 10), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 74-77
Mantis : A Journal of Poetry & Translation, (2007), CA, Stanford, Stanford University, book review of Three Way Tavern Ten Thousand Lives, pp.185-187.
The Mindfulness Bell, (autumn 2008), Plum Village, France, ‘Translating Ko Un’s Poetry as Spiritual Practice’ by Brother Anthony of Taize & Gary Gach, pp. 40
Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quaterly, Fall 2008, Toronto, Canada, p. 86
AL-ARABI, (2008. 12), a cultural magazine, Cairo, Egypt, a 6-page feature on Ko Un,
Ode, an internet magazine, (August 31, 2009), USA, “Korean poet inspires through stories of ordinary people” by Anne Thomas
Time (March 1, 2010), ‘The Korean Peninsula. Ko Un’s rapturous poetry is one way to see the unity in a divided land,’ by Tim Kindish, pp. 45-47.
Spritz, No. 196 (December 2010) Berlin, Germany, ‘Ko Un: Ten Thousand Lives ’ by Matthias Goritz
Yield and Overcome, (2010. 3. 8), ‘Book Break: Flowers of a Moment ’ by J. Thorp
Yield and Overcome: Book Break: Flowers of a Moment
europe: revue littéraire menscuelle , 89˚année, N˚ 990 (Oct. 2011), “Les Quartre Vents de La Poésie: Deux Voix au Seuil du millénaire Ko Un, eugenio De Signoribus”, book review of Whisper by Olivier Barvarant, PP. 331-333
Poetica :Critics of Poetry & Poetics, (2011, LA, USA) a book review of Himalaya Poems by Joel Weishaus http://www.cddc.vt.edu/host/weishaus/Poetica/blog-13.htm
ZNAK: MIESIĘCZNIK , Krakow, Poland (2011, 10), ’Ko Un—zdumiewający mistrz Korei’ by Jerzy Illg, p. 125
PO&SIE, No. 139-140, Belin, Paris (June 2012), ‘Ko Un, Une vie un Poésie’ by Alain Genetio, pp. 36-41
PO&SIE, No. 139-140, Belin, Paris (June 2012), ‘Le seopyeonje de Ko Un’ by Jean-Claude de Crescenzo, pp. 239-243
Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice, Vol. 16, issue 3 (July 2012), London, UK, “At the crossroads of literature and history: Maninbo(10.000 Lives) as social biography” by Park Sunghyun, pp. 417-441
Turnalar, Turkish literary magazine, No. 47 (July, 2012), book review of the Turkish translation of Maninbo and Songs for Tomorrow by İlhan Cem Erseven, pp. 39-44.
The Poetry Trust Stuff, (September 2012), www.thepoetrytrust.org.
The Poetry Paper, Issue 9, 2012 (Suffolk, UK), pp. 10-11
Robert Hass, “Ko Un and Korean poetry” in What Light Can Do (New York: Ecco, HarperCollins Publishers, 2012), pp. 165-178

Book reviews of the Polish translation of Maninbo in Poland (2012)

http://merlin.pl/Maninbo-Dziesiec-tysiecy-istnien_Ko-Un/browse/product/1,1140485.html http://www.poczytaj.pl/242612
http://www.miesiecznik.znak.com.pl/Tekst/pokaz/3130/calosc (by Jerzy Illg)

Online features about Ko Un’s events at the Aldeburgh Poetry Festival(UK) and his poetry book in English, First Person Sorrowful:

“Ko Un’s First Person Sorrowful offers a window into an extraordinary life”:

“Aldeburgh, Snape and Ko Un” (Nov. 7, 2012):

“With all body and all soul” (by Graham James Mummery):

An Gael, an Irish journal, (New York, 2012), a book review of Ko Uns poetry collection in Irish language Gaelic by Séamas ó Neachtain, pp. 15-16

Hong Kong Literature Bimonthly, No. 62 (December, 2012), Hong Kong, China, feature articles on Ko Un by Kim Hye-Won & Kim Jong-Hoe, pp. 77-86

The Galway Review: A Literary Magazine Committed to Excellence in the Extraordinary Art of Written Word, 2013, 10, 21, Galway, Ireland

‘scienza e letteratura incontro tra Nord e Sud,’ by Monica di Pillo, Pescara (2014, 10, 23), Pescara, Italy

‘Premio Nord Sud,’ by Giorgio D’Orazio, Il Centro (2014, 10, 23), Pescara, Italy

‘La Cerimonia del Premio Nord Sud,’ Il Centro (2014, 10, 25), Pescara, Italy

‘Ko Un: ≪Il vate et io≫,’ by Monica di Pillo, Pescara (2014, 10, 25,) Pescara, Italy

‘Spritual Denationlized Man, An Orphan in the Ruins,’ SWEEKLY (2014, 12, 08), Gwangjeou, China, pp. 56-59

Tishani Dosh, ‘The Poet Who Fights Violence with Verse, New Indian Express, India (2015.06, 16)

Australian Poetry Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 2, (2015), Melbourne, Australia, “O shit, a country with a crush on glitz”? by Dan Disney, pp. 8-11

A brief illustrated review of Maninbo, the first edition of the Dutch magazine De Nederlandse Boekengids, October 2015.

Books: Les idées changent le monde, No. 74 (March 2016), a book review of Himalaya Poems by John R. Eperjesi, pp. 92-83
Newspapers & Others
Shurkamp, (1996. 4. 17), Frankfurt, Germany, ‘Ko Un: Die Sterne uber dem Land der Vater’
Reinische Post, (1996. 10 2), Germany, ‘Koreanischer Dichter Ko Un las Die Sterne uber dem Land der Vater’ by Bucherel Garath
Frankfurt Allgemeine Zeitung, (1996. 10. 16), Frankfurt, Germany, ‘Zum Schluβ ein Koreanisches Volkslied’ by Matthias Bischoff
The Washington Post, (1999. 1. 4), Washington, USA, ‘Poet’s Choice’ by Robert Hass
The San Francisco Chronicle, (1999. 6. 22), SF, USA, ‘Zen Poets Meet in Eternity’ by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Tvcoik Powszecjny, Warsaw, Poland, (2001. 1 7), ‘Syn narodu, syn milczenia’ by Adam Szostkiewicz
Dagens Nyheter, (2001. 6. 24), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘Friheten ar granne med doden’ by Lars-Olof Franzen
Dagens Nyheter, (2001. 7. 20), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘I Korea har poesin haft makten’ by Lars-Olof Franzen
The California Aggie, (2001. 10 23), LA, USA, ‘Celebrated poet Ko Un comes to Davis’ by David Beavers
DNES, (2002. 4 23), Prague, The Czech Republic,
Berliner Zeitung, (2005. 3. 18), Berlin, Germany, ‘Kontakt von Apfel und Mensch’ by Christian Esch
Mainichi Newspaper, (2005. 4. 17), Tokyo, Japan
Japan Economy Newspaper, (2005. 4. 22), Tokyo, Japan
Yomiuri Newspaper, (2005. 4. 30), Tokyo, Japan
Asahi Newspaper, (2005. 5. 3), Tokyo, Japan
Japan Economy Newspaper, (2005. 5. 20), Tokyo, Japan
Mainichi Newspaper, (2005. 6. 9), Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo Newspaper, (2005. 6. 19), Tokyo, Japan
Asahi Newspaper, (2005. 6. 21), Tokyo, Japan
Mainichi Newspaper, (2005. 6. 21), Tokyo, Japan
Ame Newspaper, (2005. 6. 22), Tokyo, Japan
Mainichi Newspaper, (2005. 8. 16), Tokyo, Japan
Tickez/ Tsp, (2005. 6. 22), Germany, ‘Blume, du erbluhst!’ by Marius Meller
Spigel Special, (2005. 6), Berlin, Germany, ‘Traume vom besseren Leben’ by Rainer Traub
Romsdals Budstikke, (2006. 8. 25), Molde, Norway, ‘Han ander ut dikt’ by Iver Gjelstenli
Dagsavisen, (2005. 8. 29), Oslo, Norway, ‘En humorist og poet fra Sør-Korea’ by Turid Lars
Berliner Zeitung, (2005. 9. 9), Berlin, Germany, ‘Trinken fur den Frieden’ by Brigitte Preissler
Suddeutsche Zeitung, (2005. 11. 25), ‘Wenn man seine Mutter triff, muss man sie toeten’ by Werner Bloch
Kölner, Cologne, Germany, ‘Literasche Viefalt aus Korea’ by mc
MDR Figaro, (2005. 10), ‘Korea-Frieg und Landesteilung in der sudkoreanischen Literatur’
Dpa: Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH, (2005. 10. 10), ‘Kurzportrats bedeutender zeitgenossischer Koreanischer autoren’
Frankfurter Rundschau, (2005. 10 12), Frakfurt, Germany, ‘Korean literature in flux’ by Katharina Borchardt
Die Zeit, (2005. 10. 13), Berlin, Germany, ‘Bluten der Freiheit’ by Katharina Borchardt
Varmlands Folkblad, (2005. 10. 14), by Lena Bonnevier
Hamburg Abendblatt, (2005. 10. 15), Hamburg, Germany, ‘Poesie und Prosa’ by Dirk Godder
Dpa: Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH, (2005. 10. 16), ‘Dichter Ko Un hofft auf neue Wahrnemung der koreanischen Literatur’
Munchner Zeitung, (2005. 10. 18), ‘Aus Freude tanzen wie ein Kranich’
Westeutsche Zeitung, (2005. 10 19), ‘ “Land der Morgenstille” steht vor neuer Herausforderung’ by Dirk Godder
Frankfurter Rundschau, (2005. 10. 19), Frankfurt, Germany, ‘Ko Un, dichter und nationalheld’
Berliner Zeitung, (2005. 10. 19), Berlin, Germany, ‘Mauern im Datenstrom’
Frankfurter Buchmesse, (2005. 10. 19-23), Frankfurt, Germany, ‘Schritte zur Versohnung’ by kathrin Schubert
Cellelche Zeitung, (2005. 10. 22), ‘Sudkorea Literatuwelt steht vor neuen Jerausforderungen’ by Dirk Godder
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, (2005. 10. 24), ‘The bright side of moon’ by Andreas Breitenstein
Svenska Dagbladet, (2005. 11. 2), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘Rikt urval ur sagolik production’ by Michel Ekman
Göteborgs-Posten, (2005. 11. 2) Goteborg, Sweden, ‘Dikter med sex fingrar’ by Mikael van Reis
Kristianstadbladet, (2005. 11. 2 ), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘Ko Un’s Tiotusen fotspär och andra dikter’ by Jan Karlsson
Sydsvenskan, (2005. 11. 3), Sweden, ‘Fotspår fran fangelset’ by Eva Strom
Bohusläningen med Dals Dagblad, (2005. 11. 3), Sweden, ‘Den productive koreanen’ by Jan Karlsson
Dagens Nyheter, (2005. 11. 3), ‘Kungen av Kunsan’ by Maria Schottenius
Borås Tidning, (2005. 11. 5), Sweden, ‘Poesi med aigu, aigu’ by Lars-Inge Nilsson
Expressen, (2006. 11. 6), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘Fotsparen vittnar’ by Kristian Lundberg
Kristianstadbladet, (2006. 11. 29 ), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘Students blomma’ by Jan Karlsson
Expressen, (2006. 11. 29), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘En varld aterfodd’ by Kristian Lundberg
Afon bladet, (2006. 11. 29), Sweden, ‘Den jamlike laromastaren’ by Jan Karlsson
Hallandsposten, (2006. 11. 29)
Sundsvalls Tidnig & Ostgota Correspondenten, (2006. 11. 30), Sweden, ‘Nasta ars nobelpristagare?’ by Jan Karlsson
Kristianstadbladet, (2006. 11. 30 ), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘Cikadapriset till Ko Un’ by Sune Johannesson
Observer, (2006. 12. 4), Stokholm, Sweden ‘Diktens och livets vag’ by Jan Karlsson
Helsinborgs Dagblad, (2006. 12. 12), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘Livet I blixbelysning’ by Ann Lingebrandt
SvD tisdag, (2006. 12. 12), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘Med hela kosmos till hus’ by Rita Tomborg
Dagens Nyheter, (2006. 12. 12), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘Belaegrad av laengtan: Ko Uns lyriska famn ar storoch varm’, by Maria Schottenius
Svenska Dagbladet, (2006. 12. 12), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘Symbolmattad guide till visdom’ by Rita Tonborg
Sydsvenska Dagbladet, (2006. 12. 13), Sweden ‘Stor visdom I litet format’ by Eva Strom
Afon bladet, (2006. 12. 15), Sweden, by Camilla Hammarstrom
Málaga hoy, (2007. 2. 13), Malaga, Spain, ‘Un candidate a Nobel, en las jornadas de literatura coreana de Malaga’
ADN, (2007. 2. 16), Malaga, Spain, ‘Las letras coreanas se abren paso’ by A. J. Aviles Zugasti
ABC, No. 784, (2007. 2. 17), Madrid, Spain, ‘Ko Un: “El arco iris es poesia, tambien la tormenta”
El Mundo, (2007. 2. 17)
La Razón, (2007. 2. 17), Madrid, Spain, ‘Celebraria el Noble con vino espanol’ by Angeles Lopez
Japan Economy Newspaper, (2007. 4. 22), Tokyo, Japan
amazon.com, a review on Ten Thousand Lives, ‘One long nitty-gritty planetary poem, amazing as such’ by Rob Wilson (2008. 06. 14),
blog: ANDREWJSFIELDS, (2007. 6. 15), Ko Un, “Ten Thousand Lives”,
Der Tagesspiegel, (2007. 6. 17), Berlin, Germany, ‘Die Fruhlingsbrise ist so gut wie der Schneesturm’ by Barbara Wahlster
Kristianstadbladet, (2007. 9. 12), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘Buddhistisk Nils Holgersson’ by Jan karlsson
Goteborgs-Posten, (2007. 9. 12), Gotegorg, Sweden, ‘Pa vag mot insikt’ by Alexandra Coelho Ahndoril
Helsingborgs Dagbladet, (2007. 9. 12), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘Poetisk urkraft’ by Refik Sener
Dagens Nyheter, (2007. 9. 12), Stokholm, Sweden, ‘Vacker vandring mot sanningen’ by Anna Hallberg
Morgenland, (Sydney: Vagabond Press, 2007), by David Prater, p. 12.
Gottingen Tagblatt, (2008. 4. 24), Gottingen, Germany, ‘Gesprengte Grenzen und geplatzte Raume‘ by Tina Luers
Thuringer Allgemeine, (2008. 4. 24), Erfurt, Germany, ‘Die Halfte des Traumes’ by Frauke Adrians
AL-ADEEB, a weekly magazine of art and literature, (July 2008), Bagdad, Iraq, by Sabah Moshen Jasim, pp. 16-19.
Tokyo Newspaper, (2008. 11. 5), Tokyo, Japan
GIAO DUC THOI DAI, (2008. 11. 4), Hanoi, Vietnam
Tokyo Newspaper, (2008. 12. 24), Tokyo, Japan
El Norte de Castilla, (2009.3.8), Castilla, Spain, a book review of A Certain Joy by A. T. Valladolid
Nozia/Recensione, (2010. 5. 24), Milan, Italy, ‘Oggi a Milano il poeta sudcoreano Ko Un presenta l’antologia dale sue raccolte L’isola che canta’ by Ottavio Rossani
La Nazione, No. 141, (2010. 5. 25), Florence, Italy, ‘Ko Un alla Marucelliana’
The event in Florence, Italy http://www.lietocolle.info/it/ko_un_video_firenze_25_5_10.html
ABC, poetica, Australia, (2010. 7. 17)
The Irish Times, (2010. 7. 28), Dublin, Ireland, ‘Ko Un ? bolcan fuinnimh na filiochta on gCoire’ (in Irish Gaelic) by Gabriel Rosenstock
Zunich Newspaper, (2010. 7. 30), Tokyo, Japan
Blog: http://poeticinvention.blogspot.com/2010/11/translations-of-korean-poetry-by.html
charles bernstein on ko un, Charles Burnstein (2010.11.20)

a book review on Ten Thousand Lives at amazon.com: ‘ Description of Struggling People’ by MC(New York), (2011. 7. 3)
DNES (2011, 7. 9), book review and interview, Prague, The Czech Republic
Reviews and Interviews for the poetry collection It’s... in the Czech language (April--, 2011):

Dagbladet, http://www.dagbladet.no/2012/03/21/kultur/litteratur/bok/litteraturfestivalen/20762443/
Dave Bonta, “Flowers of a Moment by Ko Un,” in Via Negativa, A Literary weblog, USA USA (2012.04.23)
Klassenkkampen, (2012.05.31), Oslo, Norway, ‚Vil samle Korea med ord‘ by Av Dag Elvind Undhelm Larsen, pp. 24-25
Dagsavisen, (2012. 06. 01), Oslo, Norway, ‘Poetisk postomber’ by Gerd Elin Stava Sandve, pp. 22-23
Kristianstadbladet, (2012. 06. 02), Oslo, Norway, Buddhistmunken fann fridomens sprak‘ by Alf Kjetil Walgermo
Dagbladet, (2012. 06. 04), Oslo, Norway, ‘Fra tempelet til barfkraken’ by Fredrik Wandrup, pp. 40-41

Book reviews of the Arabic translation of Ko Un’s selected poems, One Thousand & One Lives :
elyoum7, Egypt (August 11, 2012), by Bilal Ramadan:

Jeffrey Beam, “Ko Un’s Ten Thousand Lives,” Oyster Boy Review 20 (Summer 2012)

Al-Jarida, Kuwait (August 14, 2012), p. 17 

Al-Kuwaitiah, Kuwait (August 10, 2012), p. 14

Al-Rai , Kuwait (September 18, 2012), p. 30

Al-Kuwaitiah, Kuwait (Nov. 20, 2012), p. 13

Alison Flood, “Ko Un’s First Person Sorrowful offers a window into an extraordinary life,” in The Guardian (2012.10.31)

Alittihad Daily Newspaper, UAE (Dec. 13, 2012):

Bethany W. Pope, “First Person Sorrowful by Ko Un,” in the US-based online literary journal The Quarterly Conversation (2013.3.04)

About Ko Un’s activities at Dancing in Other Words, 1

Spier International Poetry Festival held at Spier, Cape Town, South Africa (2013.5)

Jonathan Amid, “To Make the Nothing Dance” (2013.5.14)

Tilman Speckelsen, “Zwischen Blitz und Donner,” in Frankfurt Algemaine Zaitung (2013.7.29)

Report on the Golden Wreath Award of Struga Poetry Evenings, Macedonia (2014.02)



Tages Spigel, (06. 05, 2014)
Frankfurter Algemeiner Zeitung, (06.13, 2014)
In relation with Bucharest Poetry Festival, Romania, 18-21 May. 2016:

In relation with Hangzhou International Poetry Festival (June 9-11, 2016) Dushikuaibao(都市快報), (2016, 6, 10, Hangzhou, China), p. 4

Qianjiang Evening News (浙江晩報), 2016, 6, 12, Hangzhou, China), pp. 4 & 5
In relation with the Slovenian Poetry Festival, Days of Poetry & Wine, 23-27 August. 2016:

Slovenian national television: http://4d.rtvslo.si/arhiv/festivali/174425533


Slovenian newspaper Delo, (August 30, 2016)

Mexican newspapers in relation with The New Mexico International Poetry Festival and The New Golden Age International Prize 2018 Ko Un received:

Mexican newspaper, LaJornada, 2018, 7, 14, by Reyes Martínez Torrijos
Poemas de Ko Un

Mexican newspaper, Milenio, 2018, 7, 19, by Jesús Alejo Santiago
Poesía eres tú: Programa del Encuentro de Poesía CdMx

Mexican newspaper, Milenio, 2018, 7, 20, by Jesús Alejo Santiago
La poesía, un sueño humano: Ko Un

Mexican newspaper, LaJornada, 2018, 7, 20, by Reyes Martínez Torrijos
La poesía es el pulso del universo, define el escritor coreano Ko Un

Mexican newspaper, Excelsior, 2018, 7, 20, by Juan Carlos Talavera
El poeta Ko Un se encuentra en México para ser galardonado

Mexican newspaper, LaJornada, 2018, 7, 22,
Ko Un receives the New Century of Gold International Poetry Award

Mexican newspaper, LaJornada, 2018, 7, 23, by Carlos Paul
“La poesía se ha convertido en la estética desencantada de esta época”, sostiene Ko Un

Mexican newspaper, Excelsior, 2018, 7, 23